Resettlement Service

East Riding Resettlement Service

Our work in East Riding of Yorkshire is mainly funded by the National Lottery Community Fund. The funding supports our Nightstop and Supported Lodgings schemes and a Resettlement service. The Resettlement service is delivered in partnership with The Hinge Centre in Bridlington. We are also grateful to the Tribune Trust and Joseph and Annie Cattle Trust for their funding towards the project.

The Resettlement service is for young people aged 16-25 who have no-where permanent to live, who do not feel that they are safe in their current home or who are worried that they are going to be made homeless.

The project supports young people to access suitable stable accommodation and develop the skills they need to manage a tenancy and thrive independently.

To access the Resettlement service, young people can refer themselves by visiting their nearest East Riding Customer Service Centre or by contacting The Hinge Centre directly.

Fill in and submit the form below for advice if you need somewhere to stay.

For more information about how SASH processes your personal information see our privacy notices.

Please be aware that the data you provide will be shared with our partner agency, The Hinge.

Helping vulnerable young people in the East Riding

They were there to listen and reassure me. They let me know where to be and when. I’ve been struggling with anxiety and depression, they’ve helped me with that as well.

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Lottery FundedLiving Wage EmployerioF Yorkshire Campaign of the year WINNERS 2020 graphic