Make a Difference this Winter

Please help a young person, stay safe this Winter

In your local community, there are young people, some as young as 16, who are without a stable place to live. Some of them have left their homes because they think living on the streets is safer. Some of these young people may have faced loss or abandonment, and others have been sofa-surfing with family or friends, but that’s not a sustainable solution either. Shouldn’t everyone have a safe place to stay?

You can help us reach more young people in need this Winter.

Preventing homelessness is about more than a bed. So, as well as emergency and longer-term accommodation, SASH offer young people enhanced support tailored to meet their individual needs, enabling them to leave homelessness behind for good.

With your help, SASH can offer more people, like Oliver the support they need to reach their potential, fulfil their dreams and live happy independent lives. Because everyone should feel safe and loved.

If you can, please donate today and support young people like Oliver in need this Winter.

Donate today to keep a young person safe this Winter

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